IF General Meeting 2021

The General Meeting of the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) took place on May 26 2021. It was inspiring to see the many Members present from countries all over the world.
The General Meeting is a special highlight of the year to reflect on the activities from 2020. The Pandemic has impacted our work in significant ways. Through the Members Meetings in previous months it became clear that despite the challenges of 2020 there were many opportunities for members in various countries to explore activities taking place in a digital setting.
IF is especially grateful for the actions we could do together with IF Members and Partners worldwide. See also the IF Annual Report 2020 here.
For this year in response to the requests of members, IF facilitated online discussion sessions for women and youth to meet. Also, activities took place to provide members with training on how to use social media to influence policy-makers. These activities, given the expressed needs by members, will be continued.
Moreover, during the General Meeting a sincere word of thanks was given to IF President Elena Zappoli. In the roles Elena has fulfilled as Board Member and President, she has been integral to the important advances we have made, particularly in establishing the collaborations with Latin-American countries. IF absolutely looks forward continuing the good collaboration to strengthen the work together with IF Members in Latin American countries.Â
The General Meeting has appointed Victoria, and Sonia to the Board of Directors; and congratulate Cato as new President, Emma, and Frantisek to continue their active involvement in the Board for another term.
Last but not least, IF would like to thank all our Members, Partners, and Sponsors for their trust and active involvement in our joined efforts to strengthen our work for individuals with Spina Bifida and or Hydrocephalus around the world.
It is so good that not too long term from now, in-person-meetings can take place again.
We look forward meeting each other soon during one of the upcoming IF events!